24 Hour Zine Thing
Participants and Gallery
I'll be doing most updates to this page during the weekend, so please be patient. I'll group you by state so maybe you can find a buddy!
Participants in red have completed their zine!
Underlined names are links to gallery pages.
name: Julie
city: Mesa
size: quarter-size
name: Mae Undead
city: San Jose
zine size: half- or quater-sized
personal challenge: To not worry if I don't sound personal enough and just to keep writing until I pass out. All the artwork and photography must be by me and only me!
name: samantha castillo
city: new britain
size: 1/4 zine
personal challenge: my goal is to have is be really honest.
name: Fawne D.
city: Thomaston
name: Anastacia
New Hampshire
name: hannah neurotica
city: grantham
size: quarter sized or smaller
personal challenge: i tend to write peices over & over again- worrying
if they sound good enough. with this zine i want to truly be as raw as
i can and do as little re-writing as possible. i'd also like to
include more of my own illustrations, which are horrific, but who
cares, ya know?
New Jersey
name: Sabrina
size: I'm going to try 1/4 because I don't have much experience with it
goal: To do something kinda serious/personal and different from my regular zine
name: suz
city: hoboken
size: quarter-size
personal challenge: to actually make a zine, considering i haven't
done one in four years!
New York
name: judy
city: syracuse
name: nicci mechler
city: cincinnati
contact: http://anongrrl.livejournal.com/ - leave a comment! xox; url: http://evematrix.com/
personal challenge: fly by the seat of my pants, random, whim
name: Sassafrass Lowrey
city: Portland
name: Sage Adderly
city: Philadelphia
size: 1/4 size
Rhode Island
name: Teresa Brennan
size: half-size
name: Rebecca
zine title: Paper Clips
city: Fort Worth
size: quarter-size
name: Loren
city: Lone Oak
zine challenge: not to be political, but to write a perzine
name: Sarah R.
city: North Tazewell
title: Crushpuppy
name: Lisa
city: Clinton
contact: sweet_pea_zine@yahoo.com
personal challenge: something more visually appealing and creatively challenging (versus just writing and having pictures to go along with)
name: Jessica Wilber/Edna Million/Reverend Jess Duggan (in all her pseudonyms)
city: Milwaukee
size: 1/4 size
personal challenge: To do all the artwork myself. No clip-art or stuff from magazines or even work done my friends. All the drawings and photographs have to be done by me.
United States
name: Charlie Peach, nom du plum
size: I don't know the zine-size yet, I think that'll be something I decide last
Personal challenge: All I know, is I want to write an honest zine full of the secrets I keep.
name: alana jonze
city: melbourne, australia
preferred zine-size: quarter
personal challenge: to get real with myself about how living with
illnesses and disabilities makes me feel. to write those feelings down.
to make art!
name: Erin
city: Melbourne, Australia
size: A4
name: Chella Quint
city: Yorkshire
personal challenge: A 24 page, quarter-sized zine of substance!
Name: Aideen johnston
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland (holidays) and Canterbury, England (term time)
Zine size: not sure yet! probably 1/2
Personal challenge: personal, political, funny, arty and interesting
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rock scissors paper is a huge stack of zines and chapbooks I put together
with a
whole lotta help from a whole bunch of very talented contributors:
illustrators, photographers, writers, journalists, etc.
For more info, just ask: